[Congressional Record Volume 148, Number 45 (Monday, April 22, 2002)]
[Page S3109]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate April 22, 2002:

                           In the Coast Guard

       The following named officer for appointment as Chief of 
     Staff of the United States Coast Guard under Title 14, 
     U.S.C., Section 50a:

                          To be chief of staff

Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen

       The following named officer for appointment as Vice 
     Commandant of the United States Coast Guard and to the grade 
     indicated under Title 14, U.S.C., Section 47:

                           To be vice admiral

Rear Adm. Thomas J. Barrett

       The following named officer for appointment as Commander, 
     Atlantic Area of the United States Coast Guard and to the 
     grade indicated under Title 14, U.S.C., Section 50:

                           To be vice admiral

Rear Adm. James D. Hull

       The following named officer for appointment as Commander, 
     Pacific Area of the United States Coast Guard and to the 
     grade indicated under Title 14, U.S.C., Section 50:

                           To be vice admiral

Rear Adm. Terry M. Cross

       The above nominations were approved subject to the 
     nominees' commitment to respond to requests to appear and 
     testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate.

                         Department of Justice

       Debra W. Yang, of California, to be United States Attorney 
     for the Central District of California for a term of four 
       Frank DeArmon Whitney, of North Carolina, to be United 
     States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina 
     for a term of four years.

                   Executive Office of the President

       Barry D. Crane, of Virginia, to be Deputy Director for 
     Supply Reduction, Office of National Drug Control Policy.
       Mary Ann Solberg, of Michigan, to be Deputy Director of 
     National Drug Control Policy.