[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 149 (Tuesday, August 4, 2015)]
[Page 46269]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-19059]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Notice Of Revised Procedural Schedule

                                                   Project Nos.
Clean River Power MR-3, LLC.............  P-13404-002
Clean River Power MR-1, LLC.............  P-13405-002
Clean River Power MR-5, LLC.............  P-13406-002
Clean River Power MR-2, LLC.............  P-13407-002
Clean River Power MR-7, LLC.............  P-13408-002
Clean River Power MR-6, LLC.............  P-13411-002

    On October 31, 2012, Clean River Power MR-3, LLC, Clean River Power 
MR-1, LLC, Clean River Power MR-5, LLC, Clean River Power MR-2, LLC, 
Clean River Power MR-7, LLC, and Clean River Power MR-6, LLC, filed 
applications for original licenses to construct, operate, and maintain 
the 3-megawatt (MW) Beverly Lock and Dam Water Power Project No. 13404, 
4-MW Devola Lock and Dam Water Power Project No. 13405, 4-MW Malta/
McConnelsville Lock and Dam Water Power Project No. 13406, 5-MW Lowell 
Lock and Dam Water Power Project No. 13407, 3-MW Philo Lock and Dam 
Water Power Project No. 13408, and 4-MW Rokeby Lock and Dam Water Power 
Project No. 13411 (Muskingum River Projects), respectively. On January 
14, 2014, the Commission issued a Notice of Application Ready for 
Environmental Analysis, and Soliciting Comments, Recommendations, 
Preliminary Terms and Conditions, and Preliminary Fishway Prescriptions 
(REA Notice) for the Muskingum River Projects. The REA Notice included 
a procedural schedule.
    The above applications will be processed according to the following 
revised procedural schedule.

                 Milestone                           Target date
Issue EA..................................  August 2015.
Comments on EA due........................  September 2015.

    Any questions regarding this notice may be directed to Aaron 
Liberty at (202) 502-6862, or by email at aaron.liberty@ferc.gov.

    Dated: July 29, 2015.
 Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2015-19059 Filed 8-3-15; 8:45 am]