Printing and Publishing
Small Purchases
Projects under $100,000, procured using a quicker contracting method than a One Time Bid. You can find open small purchase contracts on Quick Quote.
One Time Bids
Large or complex projects procured using formal bidding process. Open One Time Bids and One Time Bid Pricing Archive.
Term Contracts
Contracts supporting repetitive orders for a similar product or service over a period of time (1 – 5 years). Each contract allows for simple, convenient ordering directly from the customer agency to the contractor. Estimates for individual orders are easily produced from a contract schedule of prices that are fixed for the contract period. Term contracts are either Single Award, when one vendor can satisfy our customer requirements, or Multiple Award, when multiple vendors would be better positioned to meet our customer’s requirements. Open Term Contracts and Term Contracts Pricing Archive.
Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA)
SPAs put the control in the hands of the customers. This is a streamlined vehicle for agencies to acquire printing, related publishing and digital services valued up to $10,000 from qualified commercial vendors. Sign up for the SPA program.
GPO Onsite and Consulting Services
GPO contracts give pre-qualified GPO contractors the opportunity to provide Onsite Document Solutions to all Federal Government agencies. Contractors perform analysis of production workflow and document management in order to provide comprehensive strategies to streamline agency operations. Contractors provide equipment, staffing and production support for agency copy center and mailing operations. Contractors also provide onsite services such as document digitization as well as records management and secure document disposal/destruction. For information on how to participate, contact Agency Procurement Services DC Team 3 at 202.512.2132 or email at [email protected].
Agency Acquisitions
Specialized Acquisitions
GPO purchases supplies and procures services on the technological needs of the agency, which includes Agency Information Technology Services, computer equipment, and maintenance support. The items and services procured generally require quick turnaround and are critical to the overall mission of the GPO. Open Specialized Acquisitions can be found on
Paper and General Acquisitions
GPO is also responsible for purchasing items such as paper, ink, threads, printing plates, passport raw materials, and other supplies and services required to support the various business units. These supplies and services are normally purchased on a recurring basis and are critical to the overall mission of the GPO. Open General Acquisitions can be found on