Circular Letter No. 1003

March 28, 2018

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: New Federal Register Publishing Rates

GPO is adjusting the rate for publishing content in the daily Federal Register to be effective May 1, 2018. This rate change reflects technology efficiencies that GPO has introduced in their production processes for documents submitted as Microsoft Word files. The new rate will lower the submission cost of Microsoft Word documents to $453/page - $151/column. Documents submitted prior to May 1st will continue to be charged at the previous rate of $477/page - $159/column.

As of this time there will be no changes to the pricing for documents furnished as Camera Copy or Manuscript. In addition, the rates for publishing content in the Code of Federal Regulations will also remain the same.

If you have any questions concerning this circular please contact OFR Publishing Services, phone 202-512-2100 or email [email protected].

Publishing rates starting on May 1, 2018 are as follows:

Federal Register
MS Word submission         $453/per page    $151/per column
Manuscript Copy                $522/per page    $174/per column
Camera Copy                      $522/per page    $174/per column

Code of Federal Regulations       $85/per page   N/A


Sandra MacAfee
Managing Director, Customer Services


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