Circular Letter No. 988

June 1, 2017

TO: Publishing and Printing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT:  Open Requisitions (SF-1) for Non-Congressional Orders, Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18)

This letter provides notice that the time has come to submit open requisitions for FY18.

Requisitions should be submitted for items such as continuance of existing term contracts, task order contracts, orders for dated periodicals, mailings handled by Publications and Information Sales, orders for blank paper and materials for the Government Publishing Office (GPO) control section, and standing rider orders for materials ordered by other agencies on a continuing basis.

New! Please include only requisitions for non-Congressional materials when responding to this notice. GPO will issue separate Circular Letters for Congressional materials, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations. The process for submitting SF-1s for these materials are collected in a different location which will be specified in these subsequent Circular Letters.

Please send requisitions to GPO by July 28, 2017.

Washington DC customers: The preferred method for submitting requisitions is to send e-mail to [email protected] with “FY18 Open Requisitions” in the subject line. If you cannot use e-mail, requisitions may be faxed to COMSTAT on 202-478-1762 or mailed to Agency Publishing Services, COMSTAT, Stop: CSA, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC 20401. The authorized signature of an agency official, as indicated in GPO’s agency signature file, must be included on the submitted requisitions.

Regional customers: For customers who have existing term contracts in any of GPO’s 14 regional offices, please send the requisitions to the corresponding email address for the office provided on GPO’s website at this URL If email is not an option, fax numbers are also listed.

NOTE: Field or regional activities should coordinate their requirements with their Washington, DC area headquarters Printing Officers before submitting paperwork to GPO to avoid order duplication and to ensure signature authorization.

The date established for submission allows sufficient time for GPO to process orders and to provide timely feedback to agencies including the communicating the FY18 jacket number assigned by GPO prior to the start of FY18. Open requisitions received after the requested date will be processed in the order they are received. Failure to submit an FY18 open requisition by October 1, 2017 will result in a funding lapse for your current contract.


The following information should appear on each SF-1:

  • Requisition numbers for Fiscal Year 2018 should begin with the prefix 8 (e.g., 8-00001).
  • The previous year's requisition number and jacket number. This information is used to cross-check that all your requirements are in. If your requisition is for a new requirement, please indicate so.
  • In the Classification section of SF-1, fill out the critical fields for Classified, SBU (Sensitive but Unclassified), and PII (Personally Identifiable Information) which help GPO identify if the procurement has special requirements for security, controlled handling, etc.


On the SF-1, please use the proper fields (or the additional information block) to indicate:

  • If credit card payment will be used for orders.
  • Line of Accounting (LOA) information, if this information is mandatory for agency payment processing.
  • For all IPAC transactions, the Department of Treasury requires agencies to provide a Component Treasury Account System (TAS) and Business Event Type Code (BETC) commonly referred to as TAS-BETC on the SF-1. Please refer to GPO Circular Letter No. 882, dated April 16, 2013.
  • Names, email addresses, and/or phone numbers for the agency’s financial personnel, whom GPO may contact if any billing issues occur.
  • Billing Address Code (BAC) to properly identify the ordering agency. NOTE: The BAC provided will be used throughout FY18 for a specific term contract. If multiple bureaus will place orders on the same term contract, submit a separate requisition form for each BAC.
  • Any additional information that will support the billing process.

Inquiries about open requisitions can be directed to Mr. Dwayne Ikaika, Assistant Manager, Publishing Support Services, on 202-512-1382, or if applicable, direct questions to the manager of the GPO regional office that administers your contract using contact information provided at this URL

Please contact Ms. Vicki Wallace, Congressional Publishing Services, on 202-512-0224 for inquiries about ordering Congressional materials.



Managing Director, Customer Services


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