Events and Training

GPO calendar of events and training

Acrobat Pro Section 508 Introduction with AI & Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Adobe InDesign

This Adobe Acrobat Pro Section 508 Accessibility Introduction training course will help you become familiar and come into compliance with the Federal Government’s ADA Section 508 accessibility regulations. The course will cover software features that are designed to help you meet those requirements. Topics: PDF Accessibility Overview, Using Acrobat Pro DC Accessibility Checker, Acrobat DC PDF Accessibility Repair Workflow, Create an Accessible Microsoft Word Document, Making PowerPoint and Excel File Accessible, Create on Accessible PDF file from Adobe InDesign.
2 days

Dates: June 23 โ€“ 24
Time: 8:30 AM โ€“ 3:30 PM (EST)
Location: Online
Cost: $775

Register Now!

Methods of Payment
GPO accepts the following methods of payment: Purchase Card or GPO Deposit Account You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your successful registration for this class. If payment is required, an Institute staff member will be in contact.

In the event that a class must be cancelled by The Institute at GPO, every effort will be made to notify you by email of the cancellation at least 2 weeks prior to the class date. You will receive information regarding the option to transfer your registration to another class offered by The Institute or to choose to receive a refund.

If you are unable to attend a class for which you are registered, contact us at [email protected] as soon as you know you will not be able to attend. Every effort will be made to reschedule you for a later class date, if available.

Special Needs Requests
If you have special needs such as interpreters or readers, please let us know at least five weeks in advance of the class (sub-contractors require 30 days notice for these services). Although we are pleased to make whatever arrangements are necessary to ensure that all students receive the maximum benefit from the training, the Institute operates on a cost-recovery basis and must recoup any added fees from the student's agency.