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239 search results for Legislative Branch Resources

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD House Report 104-657, accompanying H.R. 3754, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, , as directed by the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for 1996, and as set forth in the plans, 105-254, accompanying H.R. 2209, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for 1998. The audit is being, Office in its efforts to assess the status of year 2000 readiness in all legislative branch,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE

in GPO’s history. GPO’s participation in the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force, 7 organized originally by the House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee working with the Office, the Legislative Branch) and charge rates per square foot that generate funds to help offset our building, of the OIG limited resources in assisting management achieve its strategic objectives. Response, is for the Executive Branch. Printing for the Congress, passports for State Department, secure credentials

electronic basis. The Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1996 required GPO to conduct a study, in the legislative branch. High value was placed on the presence of the FDLP in every congressional, of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1995. That provision enacted a permanent requirement, that are essential to the legislative process in Congress. We produce this work in our central, , approved by the House Oversight Committee in 1996, and a comparable Legislative Information

of Legislative Counsel, House Information Resources, and the Office of Law Revision Counsel, legislation in section 207 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act) contain provisions, that the requirement contained in section 207 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act [which was re, to decentralize printing and distribution authority. This is the case not only with the executive branch, Counsel issued a memorandum opinion claiming that GPO's "extensive control" over executive branch

3754, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for 1997, directed GPO to reduce the distribution, basis, as directed by the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for 1996, and as set forth, , accompanying H.R. 2209, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for 1998. The audit is being, to assess the status of year 2000 readiness in all legislative branch agencies, following the direction of the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations dated October 30

Bills database on GPO Access was featured in the Legislative Branch section of, resources on GPO Access cover all three branches of Government, and include the Congressional Record, application on GPO Access as one of the best educational resources on the Web; in April 2000, GPO

in the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force, working with the Library to prepare summaries, on the annual Legislative Branch Appropriations bill as a result of trying to replicate elsewhere, limited parking are available for assignment to meet other temporary legislative branch needs, account and FDsys/ govinfo sites. GPO is working with other legislative branch offces to expand, collaboratively and in concert with our Legislative Branch agency partners and other Federal agency

the first statutory Inspector General within the Legislative Branch It would not be until 2005 before the GPO OIG was joined by another statutory Legislative Branch Inspector General at the Library, request that the legislative branch IGs commu- nicate, cooperate, and coordinate with each other on an informal basis, the legislative branch IGs continued to meet on a quarterly basis The meetings continue to improve communications and contact between the Legislative Branch IGs During

Position Management Branch "lacks effective resources;" and that GPO's aging workforce "leaves, , as added by section 309(a)(2) the FY Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, should be amended, AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS The conference report on the FY 1999 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill (H, the Congressional Record (language in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1999 directs,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE

. As cited in the report of the conferees on H.R. 2209, the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, on the Internet. The FDLP, funded out of legislative branch appropriations, is the means by which Congress, to transition the Program to a more electronic basis. The Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, for a broad-based public information program in the legislative branch. High value was placed, the information product needs of the legislative process, working in close cooperation with leadership offices