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232 search results for Legislative Branch Resources

publications produced each year. We are located in the legislative branch not only to provide, on Appropriations, Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1998, Hearings, Part I: Justification, offerings. TRANSITIONING THE FDLP TO A MORE ELECTRONIC BASIS Section 210 of the Legislative Branch, in the legislative branch. Nearly all of the participants felt that this model has served the public,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE

branch services, including printing. GPO supports improved coordination, but no other legislative branch, was understood by the conferees on the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act for FY 1995, who rejected its, the orderly conduct of legislative business. The principal product for Congress, notice. If GPO is not prepared, the legislative process can be adversely affected. Revenues from, is procured from the private sector. GPO does business with 130 agencies in the executive branch

of diversity offices throughout agencies of the legislative branch As a result of meetings, that the legislative branch IGs com- municate, cooperate, and coordinate with each other on an informal basis, the legislative branch IGs continued to meet on a quarterly basis The meetings continue, - tions with executive branch IGs In addition, legislative branch IGs coordinated a response, and Government Reform, regarding the request for a review of all legislative branch agencies’ diversity

of diversity offices throughout agencies of the legislative branch As a result of meetings, that the legislative branch IGs com- municate, cooperate, and coordinate with each other on an informal basis, the legislative branch IGs continued to meet on a quarterly basis The meetings continue, - tions with executive branch IGs In addition, legislative branch IGs coordinated a response, and Government Reform, regarding the request for a review of all legislative branch agencies’ diversity

for resuming functions should resources become available. FCD-2, Federal Executive Branch Mission, authority and the functions of the legislative branch and judicial branch. Essential functions, Directive 1 Issue Date: January 17, 2017 Federal Continuity Directive 1 Federal Executive Branch, ANNEX G: ALTERNATE LOCATIONS ______________________________________ G-1 ANNEX H: HUMAN RESOURCES, : AUTHORITIES AND RESOURCES _______________________________ O-1 FCD-1 3 Purpose I. Presidential Policy

or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source. While GPO is a Legislative branch agency, the Government Printing Office (GPO, the Agency) is a Legislative branch agency and is therefore, and effectiveness its information security program. Although GPO is a Legislative branch agency, of Federal information resources. Because GPO is not an Executive branch agency, these requirements, , as a Legislative branch agency GPO is not required by law to adhere to Privacy Act requirements

a shortfall for work performed in FY 2001. Last year, in the FY 2001 Legislative Branch, with other comparable legislative branch officials as well as appropriate comparability with senior staff,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE, , hearings, documents, and related products required for the legislative process. This appropriation, capabilities, including data migration activities to refresh essential legislative and regulatory

Legislative Branch Appropriations supplemental, Congress provided funding to eliminate a cumulative, legislative branch officials as well as appropriate comparability with senior staff throughout,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE, Record, bills, reports, hearings, documents, and related products required for the legislative process, migration activities to refresh essential legislative and regulatory online files. Several of these files

by benchmarking other legislative branch ethics programs at the Library of Congress, the Government, are not tailored to meet GPO’s needs, do not include information specific to GPO as a legislative branch, , as a legislative branch agency, is not subject to these standards of conduct, OGC should consider re, OGE and similarly‐sized legislative branch agencies, we reviewed OGE’s Agency Model Practices, provides Federal ethics guidance in the form of executive branch regulations1 and Agency Model

Title 44 - GPO comments on Dec version of draft title 44 bill - Jan 2018 - rev
the Government to do those’ (House Legislative Branch Appropriation hearings, FY 2007, p. 21; emphasis added, . Regulatory authority The draft bill gives GPO, an agency of the legislative branch, regulatory powers affecting executive branch agencies. The ability of a legislative branch officer to exercise regulatory, and technology procurements, GPO’s lease of available space to other primarily legislative branch, to support the legislative requirements of the House, and that “GPO is an indispensable part