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239 search results for Legislative Branch Resources

oig—along with other legislative Branch oigs—is a member of cigie the role of the cigie includes, a Whistleblower protec- tion ombudsman within their offices legislative branch igs continued, basis the meetings continue to improve communications and contact between the legislative branch igs, for legislative branch oig personnel • cross-cutting legislative branch audits and inspec, the legislative branch oig offices r evIew of legIslatIon and regulatIons the oig, in fulfilling

agencies put more information on the Internet. The FDLP, funded out of legislative branch appropriations, , Congress has encouraged us to transition the Program to a more electronic basis. The Legislative Branch, the authority for a broad-based public information program in the legislative branch. High value,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS U.S. SENATE ON APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATES

GPO-OIG_SARC Report_Spring 2024
Act), establishes the OIG's responsibilities and duties. The Legislative Branch Inspectors General, in the Committee on House Administration's roundtable with the other Legislative Branch Inspectors General, Certifcation. In accordance with the Legislative Branch Inspectors General Independence Act, offcers) to expand the defnition of "agency" to the legislative branch; however, in allowing Legislative Branch retired offcers to receive the same LEOSA benefts as Executive Branch

of the Legislative Branch Bulk Data Task Force, which was mandated in a committee report accompanying the House’s Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill for FY2013. As a member of the Task Force, new technologies, a rate of change unparalleled elsewhere among other Legislative Branch agencies, proceedings of Congress, GPO produces bills, hearings, reports, and other legislative documents, and services has greatly diversifed. In order to best meet our customer needs, GPO aligns resources

in oigs the gpo oig—along with other legislative branch oigs—is a member of cigie the role, to participating in cigie meetings and events, legislative branch igs meet regularly to promote, training opportunities for legislative branch oig personnel ● cross-cutting legislative branch, legislative issues affecting the legislative branch oig offices r evIew of legIslatIon, for the agency to better focus our resources During the upcoming reporting period we will work on refreshing

on February 2, 1995, the House Subcommittee on Legislative Appropriations and this Subcommittee have undertaken a wide- ranging review of all legislative branch activities, including GPO. I understand, in the legislative branch not only to permit direct oversight by Congress of its own printing,  MICHAEL F. DiMARIO PUBLIC PRINTER PREPARED STATEMENT BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE, necessary to provide printing and related services to Congress in support of the legislative process

Prepared Statement before the Committee on Rules and Administration United States Senate
for continued success. As you know, GPO is unique in the legislative branch as it operates as business and its budget and resources are largely determined by the products it manufactures or procures, the structured data format used by the legislative branch and new formats and features, such as color, a Table of Reports in multiple formats. I expect this collection to rapidly grow as executive branch, Senators ask the Senate Offce of Legislative Counsel to draft a bill, the PDF they receive

FY21 Plan and FY19 Performance Report
legislative documents, in digital and print formats, as required by the Senate and House of Representatives, diversified. In order to best meet our customer needs, GPO aligns resources with a streamlined set, , and focus on developing informational resources on billing and payment processes, assisting, resources. A monthly average of 78 libraries have posted offers in the eXchange. Through September, , and implementing redirects from FDsys to govinfo resources, working with data users on their transition

, the Senate Appropriations Committee acknowledges in Senate Report 109-267, Legislative Branch Appropriations (2007), that a majority of legislative branch agencies have either a statutory, , legislative branch IGs began coming together as a group. Dur- ing this reporting period, both the Library, formal communi- cations and contact between the legislative branch IGs. In addition, the IGs are beginning to develop an inventory of unique skills in each of the various legislative branch OIGs

, and the American public. Role in Government GPO is part of the legislative branch of the Fed- eral, the leadership of Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Robert F. Bennett, Opportunity Office of Information Resources Management Customer Services Deputy Public Printer PUBLIC, to scientific and technical as well as medical information, and continued talks with legislative, executive, judicial branch agencies toward the development of effective strategies for ensuring