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GPO Honored as a Technology Innovator

Washington - The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) received the In-plant Innovator Award for its modernization initiatives at the In-plant Innovators Conference, sponsored by NAPCO and In-plant Graphics magazine. Held at GPO, the conference attracted industry leaders from around the country to discuss emerging trends and opportunities in digital printing and publishing. GPO was nominated for the award by Muller Martini and the award was accepted by Gregg Estep, Deputy Managing Director for Plant Operations, and Plant Operations management on behalf of GPO.

GPO was named an innovator for its continued efforts to bring more efficiency to the agency’s production operations for Congress and Federal agencies. A newly acquired digital adhesive binding line has been installed in GPO’s bindery. This high efficiency equipment begins the replacement of three binding lines installed more than 30 years ago, reducing costs, increasing productivity, and freeing up production space for other uses. A second binding line will be installed later this year. Additionally, a zero make-ready press was installed in 2015 to support Congressional and Federal agency publishing requirements, and has resulted in significant cost reductions. The press replaces three outdated presses installed in 1979.

“I am proud our modernization efforts in the plant have been recognized by the printing and publishing industry,” said GPO Director Davita Vance-Cooks. “GPO continues to seek out equipment and technologies that will be more efficient and cost-effective for the work we do for Congress and Federal agencies.”

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